
First, although people insist on certain meanings for the terms concurrency and parallelism, there is not a universally agreed-upon difference.

Approaches to concurrency:

  • JavaScript code runs on a single thread in an event loop. Asynchronous operations such as setTimeout, network requests, and disk I/O in Node use callbacks to allow the current block of code to run to completion, and the results of an asynchronous operation will be picked up and start a new block execution. Run-to-completion means that global state will not change within the execution of a single block of code, avoiding many multithreading errors. But JavaScript code doesn’t take advantage of multiple processors out of the box.
  • Ruby code (other than JRuby) has a Global Interpreter Lock such that only one thread can execute Ruby code at a time. I/O operations such as network requests and database access do yield to other threads, so these requests can be made concurrently. But Ruby code can only take advantage of multiple cores if you run multiple processes. And this doesn’t even protect you from threading errors.
  • Java code has the classic multithreading model: Java code can be executed on multiple threads and processors, and it shares global state, along with all the concomitant risks.
  • Elixir uses the actor model—I need to reread about how this works to add more detail. It’s more OO than OO, apparently!
  • Clojure’s functional nature has built-in parallelization constructs to allow work to safely be done on multiple threads, because they do not access any shared state. But this requires using Clojure’s unfamiliar Lispy syntax.

In short:

  • Java is unsafe for nontrivial threading.
  • Ruby’s GIL allows concurrent I/O, and it prevents global state from changing while you access it, but still allows global state to change while switched to another thread.
  • JavaScript handles async I/O, and its run-to-completion prevents threading issues, but you can’t run your code on multiple cores.