A person’s info.
<a class=“h-card” href=“http://waterpigs.co.uk”> <img src=“/photo.png” alt=“” /> Barnaby Walters</a>
An article or summary.
<article class=“h-entry”> <h1 class=“p-name”>Microformats are amazing</h1>
Published by <a class=“p-author h-card” href=“http://example.com”>W. Developer</a> on <time class=“dt-published” datetime=“2013-06-13 12:00:00”>13th June 2013</time>
<p class=“p-summary”>In which I extoll the virtues of using microformats.</p>
<div class=“e-content”> <p>Blah blah blah</p> </div> </article>
Citing another work.
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