

  • Authorization code: a value returned in the authorization code flow that is exchanged by the client for an access token. The authorization code cannot be used for anything else.
  • Authorization server: presents the UI for the user to approve the access request. May be the same as the resource server.
  • Access token: a token used on subsequent requests to give access to data.
  • Client: the application attempting to get access to the user’s account
  • Client ID: an identifier for the client. Public information.
  • Client secret: a private bit of information to confirm the client’s identity. Can only be kept secret for server-rendered applications.
  • Code challenge: the base-64 encoded version of the hash of the code verifier.
  • Code verifier: the original random string generated in the PKCE flow.
  • PKCE: “Proof Key for Code Exchange”. First used to secure native apps, now recommended for frontend JS and server apps as well, for additional security.
  • Redirect URI: a valid URL for the user to be redirected back to after the authorization code grant flow
  • Refresh token: allows retrieving new access tokens without presenting a UI to the user
  • Resource server: the API
  • Resource owner: the user
  • Scope: indicates which groups of the user’s data the client is requesting access for
  • State: a string sent by the client used to verify the response

Grant Types

Client Credentials

  • Used for machine-to-machine authentication
  • Providing username and password directly to API
  • One-legged: responds with access token directly

Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant (Password Grant)

  • Client ID, client secret, user’s login and password
  • One-legged
  • Best used for trusted clients; would not be used for a third-party app (because it allows the third party to snoop on the user’s credentials)

Authorization Code Grant

  • Mobile Authorization Code Flow
  • Example: signing into a third party site via central Auth service like Facebook, Google, Twitter, GitHub
  • Central service gets redirect URL
  • User sent to central service, log in, redirected back to third party app with an authorization code
  • Auth code sent with client ID and secret to get access token
    • Why? Because a man in the middle attack can intercept this authorization token, but this way they can’t use it unless they also have the secret from the server.
  • Three-legged


  • Client makes up and stores a one-time secret: the code verifier
  • Client hashes the code verifier: the code challenge
  • Client tells the server the code challenge and algorithm
  • Server stores the code challenge and algorithm for the auth code it generates
  • On auth code redemption, client tells the server the unhashed code verifier
  • Server hashes the code verifier and ensures the hash matches the code challenge it previously sent

Implicit Grant

  • Do not use; security issues: access token available in URL to client, instead of only seen on server
  • Access token directly
  • Used by clients where you can’t protect your secret, like a frontend webapp

Security Features

  • Only issue short-lived access tokens, like an hour
  • Refresh tokens that are longer-lived (Alex suggested indefinitely)
    • Have to resend the secret
    • Does that mean doesn’t provide security benefit for client-side apps? Alex says correct
  • Sometimes no refresh tokens used, access tokens live indefinitely


Why do you need a server?

  • To store a secret, so you can use the authorization code grant
  • Why? Because without a secret you’re vulnerable to a MitM attack, but with a secret you aren’t.
  • Why? (TBD)
  • Would it be worth it to create a server just to store the secret, even if there is no other server functionality? (TBD, test this)
  • Why return cookie to user, instead of access token (from third party service)?
    • Server-rendered app can use CSRF, SPA can’t easily
    • Alex didn’t have a good answer

