
Use “Conformer” speech engine

Switch to Voice Command Mac

  • https://talon.wiki/getting_started/#basic-usage
  • https://github.com/knausj85/knausj_talon#getting-started-with-talon

  • help context - shows all commands
  • help alphabet - phonetic alphabet
  • sleep
    • talon sleep
    • talon wake
  • modes
    • dictation mode (but you can just use say to stay in command mode, and you likely want to be to dictate punctuation)
    • command mode
  • applications
    • focus "app name"
  • windows
    • window new
    • window close
    • window next
    • window last
  • tabs
    • tab new
    • tab close
    • tab previous
    • tab next
    • go tab <number>
  • scrolling
    • scroll up
    • scroll down
  • navigation
    • go [left|right] <quantity>
    • go word [left|right] <quantity>
  • deleting
    • delete <quantity>
    • clear word [left|right] <quantity>
  • Editing
    • copy that
    • cut that
    • paste that
    • undo that
    • redo that
  • Dictation: say, state, or word
  • characters
    • space
    • colon
    • question
    • dot, period
    • left paren, right paren
    • square (braces)
    • quote
    • dubquote
    • tab
    • equal(s)
    • enter
    • slap: add new line below regardless of where you are in the line
    • escape (key)
  • modifiers
    • ship: shift
  • Homophones: phones [word] - but not sure how to choose with voice
  • Formatters (formatter help)
    • nope, that was - change the format
    • English
      • allcaps: ONE TWO THREE
      • alldown: one two three
      • dubstring: “one two three”
      • padded:  one two three 
      • sentence: One two three
      • string: ‘one two three’
      • title: One Two Three
    • Code
      • camel: oneTwoThree (JS variables and functions)
      • dotted: one.two.three (train wreck)
      • dunder: __one__twothree
      • hammer: OneTwoThree (upper camel, classes and modules)
      • kebab: one-two-three (npm modules)
      • packed: one::two::three (Ruby nested modules)
      • slasher: /one/two/three (directories)
      • smash: onetwothree
      • snake: one_two_three (Ruby variables and methods)
  • Adding words: settings/additional_words.csv
  • language-specific
    • Ruby
      • args pipe: block arguments