Web Performance



  • Cable: speed index 1000
  • 3G: 3000
  • Repeat: asap


Milestone Metrics

  • Time to first byte
  • Time to first paint
  • Time to DOM content loaded
  • Time to first meaningful paint/time to first contentful paint
  • Time to first [meaningful] interaction
  • App-specific ones

Perceived Metrics

  • Page Index


  • Bundling
  • Caching
  • Compression
  • Dead Code Elimination
  • Deferred Loading
  • Preloading

https://vimeo.com/113715672 http://designingforperformance.com/basics-of-page-speed/

  • Fewer requests
    • Bundling
  • Less data transferred
    • Compression
    • Minification
    • Dead Code elimination
  • Defer requests until after page loaded
    • Deferred loading
  • Defer requests until a feature is needed
  • Only load assets if required by the browser
    • Optional loading
  • Preloading assets anticipated needed for the future